"Which online comments are worth your time?" Podcast from April 16, 2024 The best advice when it comes to online comments sections is not to read them in the first place. But if you insist on doing that, when it comes to discussing issues of faith which comments are worth your time and which aren't? |
"The Columbo Tactic Step 1: Gathering Information" Class taught November 10, 2023 If you think you aren't equipped to talk to nonbelievers about your Christian faith, let us help show you just how equipped you are and give you the confidence you need to get out into the world, telling people about Jesus. his week's class starts our walk through how to discuss the "head" issues (as opposed to the "heart" issues that were covered last week). We show that you don't need a seminary degree to be comfortable talking to people and introduce the first step in the "Columbo Tactic" by Greg Koukl. |
"The Columbo Tactic Step 2: Reversing the Burden of Proof" Class taught November 17, 2023 We continue to prepare you to share your faith by giving you an outline to share your personal testimony and by walking through the second use of Greg Koukl's "Columbo Tactic," using questions to make sure the burden of proving a claim stays on the person who makes the claim. |
"The Columbo Tactic Step 3: Using Questions to Make a Point" Class taught December 1, 2023 The third use of the Columbo Tactic involves guiding the conversation toward a particular point by using carefully tailored questions. Christian Apologist Ken Coughlan gives some concrete examples and walks through some if the practical advice from Greg Koukl's book "Tactics." |
"Finding the Flaws" Class taught December 8, 2023 How do you recognize when people make logical errors in their thinking, and how do you graciously point them out while defending the truth of Christianity? Apologist Ken Coughlan explains in the final class of our series on "The How-To Guide to Sharing Your Faith." |
"Why would non-Christians care what God has to say?" Podcast clip from October 19, 2023 Too often we Christians launch into debates about social issues, but why would non-Christians care what God has to say unless they first care about God? That's why we need to always start with the gospel. |
"Why you are the best option to show Christ to your family" Podcast clip from October 17, 2023 |
"What to do if you have non-Christians in your family" Podcast from October 10, 2023 |
"Go straight to the horse's mouth" |
"Can we start by assuming the best and not the worst?" |
"Christians have a mandate" |
"From Data to Dialogue: How to Tactfully Navigate Conversations on Abortion" Presented at the 2020 NALC Life Conference |
"How to Talk About Your Faith" Talk show from September 18, 2018 One of the biggest fears among the American people is public speaking. For some people, it may seem like an even bigger fear is talking to people about your Christian faith. This is doubly true when it comes to speaking to our family and friends, the people we car the most about, but also care most what they think about us. In this Trinity Talk Live, Ben Lander and Ken Coughlan give advice on how to overcome those fears and share the gospel with the world. |
"How to Help Your Kids 'Own' Their Faith" Talk show from April 24, 2018 What can we do to help our children "own" their faith, and not merely go through the motion because their parents are doing so? |